Wednesday, December 1, 2010


People consider Bhabanipur lying 1 km south of barimai/Kanyamai to be the ancient Devdaha. There is a stone figure of Sun God in this place besides a stone pillar considered to have been established by Emperor Ashoka.

The Ashoka Pillar here at Devdaha is the first epigraphic evidence relating to the life history of Lord Buddha.
       The stone pillar erected by Ashoka in 249 BC is one of the most noteworthy monunents and an authentic historic document of Devdaha. The inscription engraved by Ashoka is still intact and testifies to the authenticity of the birth place of lord Buddas mother and Wife.
       King Piyadasi (Ashoka), the beloved of Devas, in the twentieth year of the coronation, himself made a visit to Devdaha and paid his homage. Realizing that the Buddha Sakyamuni's mother was born here, a stone railing was built and a stone pillar erected. Because the lord's mother was born here, the Emperor had the people of Devdaha village freed from some tax and entitled them to the eight part only. Right now this Pillar is not yet been Explored all and is still underground showing some of its portion up. It is believed that it can be as big as the pillar of Lumbini.

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